
Ref: 088 Conifer
Month: August
Location: Potted
Notes: This was brought from the previous house and is planted in the same cast iron hopper as the previous conifer.


Ref: 087 Conifer
Month: August
Location: Potted
Notes: This was brought from the previous house and is currently planted in a cast iron hopper.

Nettle Bush

Ref: 086
Month: August
Location: Back garden
Notes: This nettle type bush has delicate white flowers, but has no sting. I don't think it is a weed, but time will tell.


Ref: 085
Month: August
Location: Back garden
Notes: The ivy has grown up an old tree stump.


Ref: 084 Buddleia
Month: August
Location: Potted
Notes: This was a cutting that was given to me by my partner's gran. It is in a pot at the moment, but will be dug into the ground once the garden is sorted out.


Ref: 083 Solidago
Month: August
Location: Back garden
Notes: I originally thought this was a weed, but as they seem to be growing in the gardens near by also, i'm assuming it's not. The hoverflies seem to like it.


Ref: 081 Bamboo
Month: July
Location: Back garden
Notes: The bamboo has been cut back although it is still quite bushy. I was really hoping i might find a panda when i was cutting it back, but no such luck.


Ref: 080
Month: July
Location: Back garden
Notes: This is a completely overgrown shrub which has fragrant yellow flowers that attract the bees.


Ref: 079 Conifer
Month: July
Location: Back garden
Notes: This evergreen will have to be moved, I'm not sure if this is possible even though the conifer is still quite small (approximately 3ft), but it is in the wrong place and i don't want it to become a fully grown conifer that blocks out the light.


Ref: 078 Erysimum
Month: July
Location: Potted
Notes: This was dug up out ofthe front garden and originally flowered in early spring. It has since flowered anain in July.


Ref: 077
Month: July
Location: Front and back gardens
Notes: I should know what this is called as my sister did tell me, but i have slept since then an can't remember! This tall stringy plant is growing in the hedge in the front garden and throughout the back.


Ref: 075 Campanula
Month: July
Location: Potted
Notes: Since taking this photograph, this plant has moved on to plant heaven. We had brought it to the new house from the house we used to live in and it had always looked pretty sorry for itself. Unfortunately it didn't survive the weather we had in early July while we were away and died.


Ref: 074
Month: July
Location: Back garden
Notes: I have no idea what this tree is, and unfortunately the only life in it are the birds sitting in the branches. There hasn't been any leaves, blossom or buds on the tree since we moved in and there are always bits of branch falling off, so unfortunately, this poor fellow's days are numbered.


Ref: 073 Montbretia
Month: July
Location: Back garden
Notes: This plant is growing throughout the back garden.


Ref: 72 Hosta
Month: July
Location: Potted
Notes: This plant came from a garden that was being landscaped and the owner didn't want it. The plant didn't like being moved and many of the leaves began to wilt. The wilting leaves have been cut off and this new growth has started to come through.